This is the internal PHYTEC wiki. Please click here to return to the PHYTEC developer wiki or log in to access PHYTEC intranet.

Dies ist das interne PHYTEC wiki. Bitte klicken sie hier für die offizielle Website oder loggen Sie sich ein, um auf das PHYTEC Intranet zuzugreifen.

Atlassian Confluence is a powerful tool for spreading information and working together on content with your colleagues worldwide.

Jump right in, take a look at existing content and work actively on sharing available knowledge across PHYTEC.

PHYTEC Applications

Atlassian HowTo

Company Directory / Mitarbeiterverzeichnis / Telefonliste


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Lost in space? Try these spaces and pages to get started.

GAP - Home of the PHYTEC Atlassian project.

DEV - Information for and from PHYTEC developers.

Manuals & Documentation - Public documentation pages of our products

Mitziehen statt Umziehen - Updates from our new office construction site.

Leiterbahn - Our quaterly PHYTEC magazine.


Got an idea for the list? Don't hesitate to contact us!


Check out the beginners guide in our Atlassian HowTo or get more information from the official "Getting started" guide from Atlassian.

full documentation is available from Atlassian and the community around this product is also very active.

If you need further information, have questions, need a new space for your team or want to organize a training, contact our Atlassian administrators:

Global Atlassian Adminstration / USA

Global Atlassian Administration / DE

Development related topics / DE
